Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Clearing

There's just something about rainy days that make you want to do nothing. I was definitely less motivated today when it was cloudy and gloomy like it has been for the past week. I think cloudcover makes you sleepy. On that note, we filmed two shots today. And as I just wrote that, it put the scope of the work that still has to be exerted for completion of this project into perspective. Both shots were under 4 seconds in total running time length, and I think we spent close to 4 hours on these shots- Which brings me to say that tomorrow we will be shooting from 6am-6pm- Which also brings me to ask myself why I want to do this for a living.

Today we basically worked on a little bit of shooting, locations, and scheduling for the rest of this week while the outside was pouty. The good news was that by sunset today the clouds started to clear, which was a sight that I welcomed.

When we were lighting for tonight's scene, I realized how much of film is based just off of painting with numbers. When you light a scene you basically take light level readings which correspond to numerical light compensations (f stops) on the camera. So, when you have your final scene set, your overall exposure is just a compromise between a bunch of different light levels. (See picture) In conclusion, I'm going to bed.