Sunday, April 02, 2006


This last week we got a lot accomplished. On Friday we finished our first rough cut of the film and it looks pretty good. I think the completed first part is going to be around 5 minutes. We are definitely going to have multiple cuts of it, one for the ubc folks, a "secular" type of cut for festivals, etc. and probably another cut for the web. We're also using an incredible program called Shake that is put out by Apple (for green screen technology and enhancements- also used in lord of the rings). Some of our shots were not smooth because we were shooting on top of a car, with vibrations etc.... So, Shake is going to take care of smoothing out some of the boggles, which is really cool. We did some testing and the results thus far have been really good. Also, some of our friends at the Robbie Seay Band and the David Crowder Band are hopefully going to be coming up with some good original music fairly soon for the film/dvd. We're going to be working on that this week. Hopefully next Sunday we will be having a UBC screening of a new version of the trailer as well.

We're currently setting up a way to start pre-ordering the DVDs. They will probably be around $10-$15, the profits going towards Kyle's kids' college fund.